You can help.

Matthew House uses Paypal, a secure and trusted E-commerce business to facilitate our internet donations. You do not need a Pay Pal account to use this system. Please click the donation button above to process your transaction. Please indicate in the area which asks for special instructions the person the gift is in memory of and who you would like notified of your gift.

Community members and countless others keep the tradition of Matthew House alive and well with their generous donations. Financial support comes from foundations, organizations, businesses, grants and individuals; all gifts are tax deductible. If you would like to make a contribution, please send your check payable to: Matthew House, Inc. 43 Metcalf Drive Auburn NY 13021.

Other ways you can give to Matthew House:

If you are making a gift today, gifts may be made directly to Matthew House as stated above, or through the Central New York Community Foundation (CNYF) which manages our endowment fund.

Donations for the Matthew House Endowment Fund can be made payable to “CNYCF”, with “Matthew House Endowment Fund” in the memo line, and mailed to 431 East Fayette Street, Suite 100, Syracuse, NY 13202. You may also donate online at: Enter “Matthew House Endowment Fund” in the fund name field.

*Gifts of stocks, bonds and mutual funds may require transfer instructions from CNYCF. Please contact CNYCF at or (315)422-9538 for assistance.

*For gifts of real estate, life insurance, commodities, collections or anything else, please contact CNYCF at or (315)422-9538 for assistance. (Please note that CNYCF will not accept gifts of vehicles, boats or livestock.)

If you are making a future gift through your financial or estate plan, please contact Matthew House or the CNYCF so we can properly document your planned gift. Some common planned gifts and their language are listed below:

*Words for a Will or Trust:

I give, devise and bequeath to Matthew House, Inc., (EIN 15-0626910), Syracuse New York, a New York non-profit corporation, [%, $ or other] to be held, administered and used by the Board of Directors for general support of Matthew House.


I give, devise and bequeath to the Central New York Community Foundation, Inc., (EIN 15-0626910), Syracuse, New York, a New York non-profit corporation, [%, $ or other] to be held, administered and used by the Board of Directors for the Matthew House Endowment Fund.

*Beneficiary Designation:

The listing as beneficiary should be “Matthew House, Inc., EIN 16-1591811, 43 Metcalf Drive, Auburn, NY 13021


The listing as beneficiary should be “Central New York Community Foundation, Inc., EIN 15-0626910, 431 E. Fayette Street, Suite 100, Syracuse, NY 13202” and if space is provided include “FBO Matthew House Endowment Fund.” When making a beneficiary change, the donor should notify CNYCF of their intentions.

We recommend that any planned gifts be coordinated with your financial advisor, attorney and/or tax professional to ensure everything is properly coordinated and documented.


Our "wish list"

Matthew House relies on donations from a caring and gracious community in Cayuga County and beyond. The following is a list of items needed on a regular basis:


Paper Towels

Disposable Non-latex Gloves

Small Charcoal Sachets

Lysol Multi-purpose Cleaner

Postage Stamps (the “Forever” denomination)

Listerine Mouthwash (the yellow kind)

Disinfecting Wipes

Lysol Aerosol Spray

Trash Bags (tall kitchen)

Lemon-glycerin Oral Swabs

**Gift cards (Wegmans, Walmart, Staples…etc. ) are always welcome!


Planned giving

The Matthew House Endowment Fund is key to our long-term financial stability, whatever the economic winds may bring. Years of careful stewardship enabled us to set aside this fund in 2012, under management by the nonprofit Central New York Community Foundation. The investment proceeds will strengthen our ability to maintain and upgrade Matthew House as needs arise. During the Endowment Fund's first year, a landmark grant of $100,000 by the Fred L. Emerson Foundation helped establish a solid base for the Fund to build on. 

If you would like to consider contributing to the Matthew House Endowment Fund through a stock transfer, trust, will or other means of donation, we will be happy to connect you with the expert advisors at the CNY Community Foundation. They can assist you in exploring strategies for planned giving that will best suit your civic and charitable goals. And we thank you.